Privacy Policy

Controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation

Hilgenberg-Ceramics GmbH & Co. KG

Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 11a

56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen

Personal data

According to European law and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), personal data is all information that relates to a natural person or can at least be related to them and thus allows conclusions to be drawn about their personality. Such data includes name, address, telephone number or e-mail address and telephone number.

Collection of personal data

We do everything in our power to ensure that the handling of personal data is as secure and legally compliant as possible for visitors to our website.

It is also possible to use the website without providing personal data. However, in order to use our full service, it is necessary to provide and process personal data.

The user enters or uploads any data to the website of Hilgenberg-Ceralmics GmbH & Co. KG website exclusively on a voluntary basis.

Purpose of data collection

The collection, use, processing and storage of your personal data is primarily for the purpose of establishing contact or order processing and associated activities, such as preparing quotations. Your data will not be resold or passed on to third parties.

Should it be necessary for order processing to pass on personal data to our business partners for the purpose of providing a service or preparing an offer, the explicit permission of the user will be obtained.

Anonymized data

When you visit our website, general information (log files) about the visitor is automatically recorded. The data collected includes, for example, information about the web browser, Internet provider, operating system, date and time. This general information does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the person. The processing is necessary to ensure a trouble-free connection and use of the website. Furthermore, the processing is necessary for the evaluation of security, in particular to counteract attacks on the website.

Your IP address is not recorded when you use the geometry data upload function. There is therefore no link between the IP address and the uploaded 3D file. The geometric features such as surface, volume, etc. (metadata) are extracted, processed and saved from the 3D data for the price estimate. The uploaded file itself is deleted at the end of the session. It is impossible to deduce or reconstruct the originally uploaded file from the metadata.  

Electronic contact

If you contact us with a question by e-mail or contact form, we assume that you have voluntarily consented to our data policy. A valid e-mail address is required in the contact form. All other fields are optional, the telephone number is also voluntary and is only used in the event of queries or if the user (enquirer) has noted this in the contact form.

Use of cookies

Cookies are files that are created by websites that you visit. They are used to store browser data to improve the online user experience.

The session cookies we use allow us to temporarily store user data for the duration of the session. This helps us to make our website more user-friendly. These cookies are deleted when the session ends.

We would like to point out that the use of cookies can be restricted or blocked by the user. Most browsers offer corresponding functions for this purpose. However, the user-friendliness of our website will be severely restricted without cookies.  

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. ("Google"), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies". Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer and enable your use of the website to be analyzed. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

services associated with the use of the website and the Internet vis-à-vis the

website operator. The data collected by your browser as part of Google Analytics

transmitted IP address will not be merged with other Google data.

The user has the option to prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google. To do this, simply download and install the plugin available at the following link:

Further information on terms of use and data protection can be found at

Google Ads

We reserve the right to integrate Google Ads into our website. Google Ads is an advertising system from Google Inc ("Google"), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. This system is used to display ads in Google search engine results and the Google advertising network.

Google Ads enables an advertiser to define certain keywords in advance, by means of which an ad is only displayed in Google's search engine results if the user uses the search engine to retrieve a keyword-relevant search result.

The purpose of Google Ads is to promote our website in Google's search engine results.

Contact person

You have the right to information about the stored personal data, its origin and recipient as well as the purpose of the data processing at any time. You can contact us at any time if you have any questions that are not answered by our data protection information. If you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data, or if you would like information, correction, blocking or deletion of data, please contact:

Hilgenberg-Ceramics GmbH & Co. KG

Kai Keßlau

Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 11a

56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen